
A Dialect represents an abstract view of the sorts of gates one can construct with a given toolkit. The possible gates are determined programmatically from inspection of the toolkit at run-time, allowing for expansion as toolkits are more fully fleshed-out.





Braket backends do not accept circuits with non-contiguous qubit indices supplied. To supply contiguous qubit indices, transpilation from Quasar to Braket inserts an identity gate at each “missing” qubit index.


Note: to install the Q# dependencies, you must be certain to install the Q# environment correctly; unlike the other dialects, Q# cannot be installed cleanly with Pip; you will have to use Conda or external tools to install the required dotnet environment (for example, on Ubuntu, the snapcraft solution seems to work; see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-snap)